
Mumbai Ratna

Sir Alfred Nobel, the internationally renowned Philanthropist, used his enormous wealth, to establish the ‘Nobel Foundation’. This laid the pathway for the onset of the ‘Nobel Prize’, the highest global recognition for human endeavour.

Inspired by the Nobel Prize, the ‘Mumbai Ratna Awards’ was conceptualised to recognise and honour individuals and organisations who have made stellar and noteworthy contribution towards the growth and development of the social, economic and cultural fabric of India’s commercial capital: Mumbai.

The ‘Mumbai Ratna Awards’ are registered with the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India. The Awards are curated by Enarr Prive Pvt. Ltd.



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    Jury Members

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Awards Criteria

The Honourable Jury’s role is to honour the spirit of Mumbai, recognize and celebrate excellence of Mumbai-kars who have played a salutary role in the growth of this bustling metropolis. Their discerning judgment will shape the winners and contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of the city of Mumbai.

  • Fairness and Impartiality: To approach the evaluation process with fairness, objectivity, and impartiality. Treat each Nominee equally, considering their merits and adherence to the established criteria.

  • Attention to Detail: Pay close attention to the finer details of each Nominee's submission or presentation. Consider the effort, thoughtfulness and contribution to the City of Mumbai.

  • Collaborative Evaluation: Engage in constructive discussions and collaborative evaluation with fellow jury members. Share insights, perspectives and expertise to ensure a comprehensive assessment of each Nominee.

  • Embrace Diversity: Celebrate the diverse nature of city-based Nominees and consider their various backgrounds, contribution and efforts.

  • Deliberate Impact: Prioritize Nominees whose contributions have made a positive impact on Mumbai city, its residents, and stakeholders. Assess the transformative effects, social engagement, economic growth and community development resulting from their efforts.

  • Creativity and Innovation: Recognize Nominees who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovation in their areas of expertise.

  • Attendee Experience: Evaluate the Nominees' ability to provide lasting memories for the participants.

  • Legacy and Sustainability: Recognize Nominees’ work that have had a lasting impact and contribution to Mumbai city's long-term growth and sustainability. Assess Nominees' efforts in environmental responsibility, legacy-building and future vision.